Delaney Jane, you are 11 months old!
How in the world are we about to celebrate your first birthday?? It literally seems like yesterday that I was holding you in my arms for the first time :)
Now you are a spunky little bundle of fun! You are into everything and are so chatty!
We think you weigh about 18 lbs and are 27 1/2 inches. You are in size 9-12 month clothing and a size 3 diaper.
This month you really started talking. You can now say a handful of words: Mama, Dada, Hank, baby, no, hi, hey, play, tree and a few other things. You also wave ALL the time and like to blow kisses! You got your 2 bottom teeth too!!
We had so much fun celebrating your first Christmas! You were very interested in the paper, but we sort of got you to open presents.
You still take 5 oz bottles a few times a day and eat lots of solid foods. We have introduced several table foods also. Pretty much anything we are eating, you think you have to have whether you'd like it or not!! Your favorite food is still avocado. You are a champ at drinking from a sippy cup!
You usually take 2 naps a day, both around an hour-hour and a half each. You go to bed around 7:30 or 8 and we wake you up at 6 during the week. Sometimes you sleep later on the weekends.
You are still Hank's biggest fan! You laugh hysterically when he comes into the room!
We cannot imagine our lives without you precious girl. We got your official birth certificate with the name change on it last week, so everything is officially done! We are so excited that this process took under a year :)
We are blessed beyond belief and are looking forward to celebrating your first birthday with lots of family and friends next month!
We love you so much sweet girl!
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
A look back at 2012...
For those of you who are new to my blog, I started it in October 2010 to blog about our journey with infertility. We "started" trying to get pregnant in June of 2008. After more than 2 years of trying with no luck, I decided a blog would help me express my feelings and document our journey. So, that is pretty much what this blog became, a way to vent and "write"down my thoughts, as well as a place to post pictures of our "exciting"life!!
In June of 2011 we began our adoption process, so I began blogging our every step. I knew I would want to look back one day at all that we had been through, and boy am I glad that I did! This past year it became a place for me to document Delaney's milestones :) We didn't want to post a lot of stuff on Facebook at first because of the uncertainty of the situation. I really enjoyed doing monthly posts about all she had accomplished! And I really did a great job keeping it up, until I went back to work in August. After spending hours one night uploading pictures and typing out an entire blog, only for it to get lost in cyber space.."POOF" just like that, gone, I decided it wasn't worth it! I just didn't have the time to devote anymore:( I have been making monthly books from Shutterfly that contain all of our pictures and document all of Delaney's milestones, so I don't feel too bad. But, I do sort of miss blogging. So, I decided to "officially" share my blog on Facebook for any of you who care to look! :) HA! I can't promise I will update it often, but it's here nonetheless. Also, if you are curious about our journey, you can search back to the years past and read all about it! I know most of you probably don't have the time to do that, but I enjoy looking back and seeing how God was faithful through it all!
In honor of a new year I decided to do a blog today about the best of 2012! I have seen several people do this already, so yes, I am copying them :) I just thought it was a neat idea and a great reason to write a post. I know 2012 was an exciting year for us and I hope it was for you as well! If you are currently going through a "journey" of any kind, I pray for peace and hope that God will see you through it this year!!
Here we go......
January 2012: Allen and I were patiently waiting to hear news of a possible adoption. It was a LONG, I mean LOOOOONGGG month!! I still don't know how I made it through:) We visited my sweet sister in Nashville for her birthday and got to "foster" 2 adorable puppies that weekend!
We also "prepared" for an adoption by painting our nursery. Our sweet friends Matt & Amanda came by and helped!
February 2012
One of the most amazing moments of my life was seeing this ultrasound. Although this child was not in my womb, I knew when I saw her she was meant to be ours. This day was so special to us :)
Obviously the best part of February was when our sweet Delaney Jane was born! There are lots of pics that I love of her, but I chose these 2 because they are the first picture we ever took of her, and our first picture as a family of 3 :) Such sweet memories!!!
March 2012
Celebrating Delaney's 1 month Birthday :)
April 2012
Delaney's first Easter
May 2012
Celebrating cousin Grace's first birthday :)
June 2012
First pool day with the girls!!
Father's Day weekend :)
July 2012
4th of July!!
Family Beach Trip to Isle of Palms
August 2012
Hannah Kate's 2nd birthday Party
September 2012
GO VOLS and Gigi came to visit
October 2012
Delaney's Baby Dedication
Fall Pictures

First Halloween :)
November 2012
Delaney's first Thanksgiving!
December 2012
Visiting with Santa!
Adoption finalized: December 7, 2012
Delaney's very first Christmas!!!
Wow! What a year!! I cannot believe Delaney will be a year old in just over a month. 2012 was full of blessings and surprises...what about you?? Cannot wait to see what God has in store for 2013!
In June of 2011 we began our adoption process, so I began blogging our every step. I knew I would want to look back one day at all that we had been through, and boy am I glad that I did! This past year it became a place for me to document Delaney's milestones :) We didn't want to post a lot of stuff on Facebook at first because of the uncertainty of the situation. I really enjoyed doing monthly posts about all she had accomplished! And I really did a great job keeping it up, until I went back to work in August. After spending hours one night uploading pictures and typing out an entire blog, only for it to get lost in cyber space.."POOF" just like that, gone, I decided it wasn't worth it! I just didn't have the time to devote anymore:( I have been making monthly books from Shutterfly that contain all of our pictures and document all of Delaney's milestones, so I don't feel too bad. But, I do sort of miss blogging. So, I decided to "officially" share my blog on Facebook for any of you who care to look! :) HA! I can't promise I will update it often, but it's here nonetheless. Also, if you are curious about our journey, you can search back to the years past and read all about it! I know most of you probably don't have the time to do that, but I enjoy looking back and seeing how God was faithful through it all!
In honor of a new year I decided to do a blog today about the best of 2012! I have seen several people do this already, so yes, I am copying them :) I just thought it was a neat idea and a great reason to write a post. I know 2012 was an exciting year for us and I hope it was for you as well! If you are currently going through a "journey" of any kind, I pray for peace and hope that God will see you through it this year!!
Here we go......
January 2012: Allen and I were patiently waiting to hear news of a possible adoption. It was a LONG, I mean LOOOOONGGG month!! I still don't know how I made it through:) We visited my sweet sister in Nashville for her birthday and got to "foster" 2 adorable puppies that weekend!
We also "prepared" for an adoption by painting our nursery. Our sweet friends Matt & Amanda came by and helped!
Finished and waiting on a baby!! |
February 2012
One of the most amazing moments of my life was seeing this ultrasound. Although this child was not in my womb, I knew when I saw her she was meant to be ours. This day was so special to us :)
Obviously the best part of February was when our sweet Delaney Jane was born! There are lots of pics that I love of her, but I chose these 2 because they are the first picture we ever took of her, and our first picture as a family of 3 :) Such sweet memories!!!
March 2012
Celebrating Delaney's 1 month Birthday :)
I was so excited to finally have a sweet baby I could take monthly pics of! |
Hannah Kate meeting Delaney for the first time :) |
Delaney's first Easter
First trip to the Aquarium :) |
First Professional pictures :) |
May 2012
Celebrating cousin Grace's first birthday :)
My first Mother's Day! |
First trip to the beach with Rachel, Stephen, & Diane :) |
June 2012
First pool day with the girls!!
Father's Day weekend :)
![]() |
Portrait Innovation pictures! |
July 2012
4th of July!!
Family Beach Trip to Isle of Palms
Hannah Kate's 2nd birthday Party
September 2012
GO VOLS and Gigi came to visit
7 months old!!! |
Visiting Pop ;) |
Uncle Nick |
October 2012
Delaney's Baby Dedication
Fall Pictures

First Halloween :)
November 2012
9 months old! |
December 2012
Visiting with Santa!
Getting our Christmas tree! |
Sunday School Christmas Party |
Delaney's very first Christmas!!!
Meeting new friends! |
First kiss :) |
Wow! What a year!! I cannot believe Delaney will be a year old in just over a month. 2012 was full of blessings and surprises...what about you?? Cannot wait to see what God has in store for 2013!

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