Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, May 20, 2013

15 months already??

Delaney Jane, you are 15 months old!! And every bit a toddler all of a sudden!! Where did my baby go?? I have to say that I LOVE this age though :) Even though you are hard headed and throw a few fits, you amaze me every day with what you pick up!! You are sooo smart ;)

We went to the doctor last week and you weigh 20 lbs 7 oz and are 31 1/2 inches!! You finally can turn around in your car seat! You are catching up little girl! You are in the 50th percent for weight and between 25-50 percent for height. You met all the milestones for 15 months and even exceeded some!

You can now feed yourself with a fork and a spoon, walk well, run & climb. You follow simple commands and understand pretty much everything we say! You know and say around 24 words!! You can identify and say the letters "A" and "B." Some of your favorite things right now are Minnie Mouse and Elmo! You love anything with those characters and you sure find them everywhere we go..whether on a ball or shirt or even a sign, you will point and say their name!! It's very cute :)

You are still a great sleeper and an okay eater :) You are trying new things, but you are so busy that you don't sit still very long to eat. You are very polite when you are finished eating though; you carefully lift up your plate and say "All done." It's better than sweeping the food off your tray into the floor!! A new food that you like is pickles!! Very random :)

You are wearing size 12-18 month clothing, a size 3 shoe and a size 4 diaper!! We started introducing the potty this month and you've used it twice in the last few days! You point and ask to sit on it and I think you understand what's supposed to happen, it just doesn't always happen then!!

You absolutely LOVE animals!!Especially Hank and Sadie. You also know and can say duck, dog & sheep! You are honestly the most loving child I've ever met. You are a snuggle bunny and love to hug and kiss on me and your daddy! You are especially sweet in the mornings. You also love music! You always sing and dance when you hear songs. Some of your favorites are the Veggie Tales theme song, The hot dog dance, and anything your Auntie Lou sings!! Your favorite show is still Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Veggie Tales. Your favorite book is The Wheels on
 the Bus.

You can say most of your grandparents names, (Gigi, Nana, Papa, & Pop), which made their day!! We have enjoyed our year with Cindy and are so excited to have you back there next year with Owen!!

I'm looking forward to a fun filled summer, full of beach trips, zoo trips,and pool days!! You finish up swimming lessons this week and I'm really gonna miss it! You've done so well! You love jumping in from the side, swimming under water, and kicking your feet. You will be a little water baby this summer! We also start gymnastics once a week in June and I'm very excited :)

We love you so much sweet girl!! You are a wonderful blessing!

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