You are a great eater!! You will eat all kinds of fruits and veggies, yogurt, and some table food. We haven't introduced meats yet. You take a bottle about 4 times a day anywhere between 4-5 oz. You can hold your own bottle which is great for car rides!!
We think you weigh around 22 lbs and we aren't sure on length. You are wearing 12-18 month clothes, a size 4 diaper, and between a 2 1/2-3 size shoe. You have just the slightest bit of hair on your head :) You love bath time and meal time!! You didn't like the car very much at first but you've done pretty well. You either fall asleep or watch Delaney intently!!
Your sleep schedule varies, but right now we are putting you to bed around 8:30 and you wake up about 6, but go back to sleep until 8 or 9 in our bed! You have slept the past 3 nights all night in your pack n play!! YIPPEE :) We are hoping to transition you to your crib very soon. We just wanted to take it slow so you didn't feel anxious. You aren't the best napper right now. You would rather me hold you instead of sleeping in your pack n play. It looks like you will take a short nap in the morning, and a longer one in the afternoon.
You love watching Hank & Delaney and I can tell that you all will be best buddies. You are already pulling up and crawling and starting to cruise furniture. You can pick up small pieces of food and feed yourself, and also hold a sippy cup! You babble all the time! You have such a sweet raspy voice ;) You like listening to music and watching the world around you. You seem like a pretty laid back kid. Right now though, you are 100 % attached to me(which is a huge plus!!), but it makes it hard for me to leave the room. You have opened up to lots of people though :)
Last night Tanya brought dinner over and we got to visit with her and Harrison. After that your Auntie Amanda stopped by! She couldn't wait to squeeze you!! She loves her girls :)
Today you got to meet your Pop!!! He was smitten from the first glance :) He loves his grandgirls! You are so blessed to have lots of loving grandparents who are going to spoil you rotten!
You remind me a lot of Delaney in some ways, but are also very different! I compared your and Delaney's 8 month pics and I do see some similarities. You definitely look like sisters!!
We can't wait to see how you grow and change in the coming months!!
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