I'm cramming a lot of stuff into one post, but I just can't seem to find the time to blog anymore!! 2 kids will do that to ya!! Kylea was 9 months old on the 18th!
We took her for her 9 month well visit and she weighed 22 lbs 13 oz and is 27 3/4 inches long. She is in the 95th % for weight and between 50-75th for height. The doctor said she is ahead developmentally and should be walking well before her 1st birthday!! She is in mainly 18 month clothing, a size 3 shoe, and size 4 diaper. She is eating all baby foods and we have introduced some table foods. She is definitely not picky.
She takes about 20-25 oz of formula a day and takes 2 really good naps. She usually goes to bed around 7:45 and sleeps till around 7:30 in the morning. She has really become an easy, laid back baby. She is almost always happy as long as she can get down and move. She is always babbling and into everything! She is already a climber! YIKES :)
She can almost stand alone and is cruising furniture and walking behind push toys. She loves her sister so much and is constantly trying to keep up with her! We are looking forward to the holidays with both of these precious little girls!!
A sweet friend from church captured these sweet pictures of the girls in their Halloween costumes! I just love them!
We were so excited to have my sweet mommy come stay with us last week! I absolutely love when she's here...I never want her to leave! We have so much fun together. On Saturday, we took the girls to Boo at the Zoo! They looked so cute all dressed up!
My little Sophia & Pumpkin! |
Sunday was Kylea's baby dedication at church. We were going to let her wear the same dress Delaney wore last year, but that didn't quite fit...They actually weigh exactly the same right now...to the ounce...22 lbs 13 oz!! Hilarious!!! So, needless to say, D's 6-9 month dress from last October was a tad snug on Kylea, so Gigi was kind enough to get her another one. She looked so sweet :)
Me & sweet Kylea on dedication day! |
Me & Delaney last year on dedication day! I really think they look alike!! |
This makes me smile! I love these little girls so much!! |
The best we could get of the 4 of us!! |
So glad that Gigi & Amanda and Noah were there for Kylea's special day!! |
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