Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Changing Directions

Good morning everyone! Just wanted to blog a little today about a new direction we are pursuing. It has been exactly 3 years since we started trying to have a family. I will always remember the date because we were on our way home from a friend's wedding and stopped in Gatlinburg to eat dinner. Allen leaned across the table and told me he was ready. I responded with, "Ready for what?" He said I could throw away my birth control pills! That began a journey that has led us to this day 3 years later. Did I ever think on June 22, 2008 that I would be sitting here 3years later childless? Absolutely not! After hearing those words from Allen I think I immediately went out and bought the book What to Expect when You're Expecting! Jumped the gun a little huh? Although I worried we'd maybe experience a little trouble, I never thought it would be years of painful infertility.

So now as I look back on what we've been through medically; several rounds of clomid, 3 rounds of HMG shots, almost 10 IUI's and 2 laparoscopic surgeries, we are excited to say that we have started the process of domestic adoption through Lifeline Children's Services! Let me preface with this: Allen and I still feel very strongly that one day I will be pregnant. I know that may seem weird to say that and start adoption but we are ready for a family and feel this is the direction God is leading us. We have been married almost 5 years and will be 30 and 33 this year. To me, waiting much longer to start a family is silly. I have wanted to be a mother since I could talk and if that means having the chance to bring a sweet child into our family through adoption then that is what we'll do! I know that the journey we've taken so far has been a rollercoaster and we couldn't have made it without the love of our Savior Jesus and constant prayer warriors. Infertility is a battle that is so unexplainable and painful but I believe God has big plans in store for those of us He brings through a trial of this kind.

We have only told a few people at the moment. We are almost done with the initial paperwork and hope to submit that this week. Then we will have two home studies, fill out a profile, and wait patiently until a birth mother chooses us! This whole process will take around 2-3 months so hopefully our profile will be ready to view by birth mothers in October at the latest! We are prepared that it could be immediate or a long wait. Either way we know God has a plan for our family.

Financially we are praying that He will provide. We have heard of some grants and no interest loans we can apply for as well as donations from family and friends. Even though we have spent so much money so far on our infertility journey, I am really not worried about the money. People adopt every day domestic and international and I believe God provides the money and a means to pay for everything.

Please pray for us as we start this new journey! I hope to soon be blogging about a new addition to our family! We have already started praying for that sweet little one God is knitting in the womb just for us!

Oh and on a side note, Hank now knows how to sit, shake, speak, lay down and roll over!! He has been like a sponge lately!! I just love him so much and I know he can't wait to be a big brother!! HA!!

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