We love our Tennessee Volunteers around here....
So excited to dress Delaney up to watch her very first UT football game!!!!!
This is the best I could get of the 2 of them :) Hank won't sit still long enough!!!
Hoping for a TN win tonight!!!!
Have a great weekend!!
Friday, August 31, 2012
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Pool day & Adoption News
Last Saturday we got a special treat...my sister was passing through and we were able to meet up with her for dinner :)
Sunday we went with my friends from school to a relatives lake house to swim. It was a beautiful afternoon and it was so nice to have another pool day even though summer vacation is over!!

Last night after Delaney's bath, we let her lay around naked for a bit!! Who doesn't like that feeling, right? ;) She is such a ham for the camera...it's a little ridiculous!!
Today has been kind of a stressful day! I took the day off because my Dad is having surgery today. My original plan was to drive to Nashville with Delaney this morning and spend the day there. My Dad & Stepmom both told me not to come because they would be so worried about me being on the road and just how busy this week is for me. I have Open House tomorrow night and In service Friday so I would have to come back tonight. I really really wanted to be there, but I also understood that my daddy knew I was praying and was there in spirit for sure! I went ahead and took the day off anyway just so I could be with Delaney, and so that I could stay in communication about my dad. His surgery was supposed to be first thing this morning, but it got bumped to noon. However, I just talked to my sister and he still hasn't gone back..it's 2 o'clock in Nashville...I hate it for him because he hasn't eaten since Monday night. He couldn't eat all day yesterday and couldn't eat or drink after midnight. That's a long time to go without food or drink! He also had a close friend pass away suddenly Sunday night :( It's been a very stressful week for him. This surgery is for the removal of his prostate. They found cancer there, and the only option they had was to remove it all. We are praying the cancer hasn't spread, and that the surgeons do not damage 2 very important nerves that will determine some quality of life situations for him :(
Here he is with my sister after they had prepped him...
We also found out last night that our court date on Sept 4 is now postponed. There was paperwork that our lawyer filed but now they can't find it. So it was re scheduled for the 18th, but we found out today that the guardian ad litem can't be there that day, so it's probably gonna be sometime in October now :( I know that the timing is for a reason, but I still worry when it gets later and later. We still haven't terminated their rights and that is very frustrating to me. I know that they probably aren't going to do anything(I'm pretty sure birth father is in jail), but it's still just upsetting that this couldn't have been done faster. Especially when in April we thought it would be final by this summer. I was trying to plan a baby dedication/adoption celebration for a weekend in October, and it's not looking like its going to happen now. I know that is very trivial, but I just wish it would happen soon!!
I have so much going on at school in the next few weeks, and I hope it slows down after that. Delaney is growing so much! I had to take her to the doctor this morning for something and she now weighs 14lbs 4 oz!! She loves baby food so much! She has now tried peas, green beans, squash, carrots, bananas, and sweet potatoes!! She usually finishes an entire portion in one meal! She still loves her avocado too :)
I will try to post soon when I find out about my dad and more about the court updates!! Thank you for all of the prayers :)
We love visiting Auntie Lou!! |
Someone is finally big enough for the float :) |
We love the pool!! |
Larryn loves Delaney! |
Amanda brought some yummy cupcakes to celebrate my bday a little early! Emily & Rachel won't be able to join us the night of my birthday, so they went ahead and did something for me :) |
The girls!! |
Matt & Amanda with my baby girl |
Hanging out at the pool |
My sweet girl before school one morning ;) |
I LOVE this face...she looks mean :) |
Such a sweet girl!! |
Here he is with my sister after they had prepped him...
We also found out last night that our court date on Sept 4 is now postponed. There was paperwork that our lawyer filed but now they can't find it. So it was re scheduled for the 18th, but we found out today that the guardian ad litem can't be there that day, so it's probably gonna be sometime in October now :( I know that the timing is for a reason, but I still worry when it gets later and later. We still haven't terminated their rights and that is very frustrating to me. I know that they probably aren't going to do anything(I'm pretty sure birth father is in jail), but it's still just upsetting that this couldn't have been done faster. Especially when in April we thought it would be final by this summer. I was trying to plan a baby dedication/adoption celebration for a weekend in October, and it's not looking like its going to happen now. I know that is very trivial, but I just wish it would happen soon!!
I have so much going on at school in the next few weeks, and I hope it slows down after that. Delaney is growing so much! I had to take her to the doctor this morning for something and she now weighs 14lbs 4 oz!! She loves baby food so much! She has now tried peas, green beans, squash, carrots, bananas, and sweet potatoes!! She usually finishes an entire portion in one meal! She still loves her avocado too :)
I will try to post soon when I find out about my dad and more about the court updates!! Thank you for all of the prayers :)

Friday, August 24, 2012
Amanda's birthday/Back to school bash & Hannah's party!!
Okay,so I totally am a goofball and logged into my other email address and worked forever on this post and published it.I couldn't figure out why it wasn't showing up on my blog...it's because it's on some other random blog I apparently have?? Anyway, click on the link below to view it!! I'm not retyping it and reposting all those pics!! HA!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012
6 months!!!
Delaney Jane, you are 6 months old!!! I cannot believe half a year has flown by!! We will be planning your first birthday before we know it!!
You still eat 5 oz about every three hours during the day, and you sleep from 9-6 at night (Hallelujah!!) You eat cereal in the morning and in your last bottle at night. You eat avocado in the afternoon and we just started peas :) Yum!!
You are still such a wonderful baby!! You are going to a sitter during the week now. Her name is Miss Cindy and you love her (I'm pretty sure she loves you too!!). You have had to change your schedule a little because we wake up early now. You usually eat a bottle around 6, then I drop you off at 7:15. Cindy says you have been taking around an 1 1/2-2 hour nap in the morning and another long one in the afternoon. Daddy picks you up around 3:45 and you usually take another nap at home. Speaking of daddy, you pretty much have him wrapped around your finger. He has really become smitten with you lately. I have to fight him to get some love from you because he wants to hold you all the time!! It's very sweet ;)
You absolutely LOVE Hank :) Every time he is in the room you watch and him and squeal and giggle :) It is so cute!! |
You have started making these funny faces ;) I think it is because you are teething, and you have started blowing raspberries!! You love to coo, babble, laugh out loud and squeal as loud as you can. You are very verbal :) The doctor said you were so expressive!! HA :) I agree!! I'd say we have a talker on our hands :)
You can now sit up on your own. You still get a little shaky, but you've gotten the hang of it. You looked like such a big girl sitting on the table at the doctor's office!!
You also can stand really well! You aren't pulling up yet, but you can stand and hold onto things like your play table with very little support. You aren't crawling yet, but are still scooting. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before you take off. I'm not gonna lie...I kind of like that you aren't mobile yet. You aren't getting into everything!!
This month you have changed so much. I can really see what you are going to look like and your personality. You are so fun loving and energetic and I love everything about you. You still get compliments everywhere we go. I have people all the time stop me and tell me I need to get you into modeling. You smile at EVERYONE!!! And your smile seriously melts hearts ;) We love it!!
We cannot wait to see how big you get in the coming months. I am also anxious to see how you do with solid foods!! We love you precious little girl!

Monday, August 6, 2012
Isle of Palms Beach Trip & 1st Day of School
I am SO behind on my posts!! We went to the beach and then I started back to work, so needless to say, I've been a little busy :) We left the Friday before last to go to the beach with my family. They have a villa in Isle of Palms in Charleston that we go to every year. This was the first year that everyone (all siblings, spouses and kids) were able to come! I was so excited :) Delaney was great on the trip down. We even hit some traffic and she was still such a little trooper!!
We got in around 7 and met the family at one of our favorite places, Gilligan's. They have great seafood!!
Saturday was a beautiful day to be down at the beach. This trip Delaney was not as happy about being in the ocean. I took her down to put her feet in the water and she started to cry :( Pretty amazing how much changes in just 2 short months!!
Saturday afternoon my brother got there! We gave the girls a bath together before heading out to dinner! It was a quick one, but it was Delaney's first bath with somebody else :) So cute!!
Saturday night we ate dinner at Sullivan's. It's a little more upscale seafood restaurant :)
Sunday was another beautiful day :) We spent most of the day down at the beach again.
Gloria bought Delaney & Grace matching bathing suits so we tried to get some pictures of them together...you know how that goes :) Here are some of the ones that turned out...
Sunday night we went to a really good hamburger place called Poe's :)
On Monday it was a little cloudy in the morning but we went down to the beach to get a family picture.
Monday night we stayed home for dinner and had spaghetti! Yum!!!
We spent Tues morning at the beach, then hit the road around 1:30! We had such a wonderful time!! Wish we could have more vacations like it!!
On Wednesday, I got stuff done around the house and ran some errands. I tried to prepare myself for Thurs when I would leave Delaney all day with the sitter :( She is sleeping so well at night now! She goes down around 9 and wakes up about 6. Thurs morning we woke up bright and early and got ready. Here is my angel before we left...
Cindy said she took two 1 1/2 naps and was so happy all day! I am so glad :) Delaney has really hit a growth spurt!! She has been sleeping and eating a ton!! And the other day I realized she can now fit into her 6 months clothes!! She is moving into 6-9 month sleepers and size 3 diapers!!! Where has my little girl gone??? We go next Monday for her 6 month checkup! I can't wait to see how much she weighs :)
I cannot believe Delaney will be 6 months old on Friday!!!
On our way and so excited!! |
Uncle Nick & Delaney |
Saturday was a beautiful day to be down at the beach. This trip Delaney was not as happy about being in the ocean. I took her down to put her feet in the water and she started to cry :( Pretty amazing how much changes in just 2 short months!!
1st time @ the beach with Daddy :) |
Putting her feet in the sand |
Uncle Nick, Daddy & Delaney |
My sweet little family |
Auntie Lou & Delaney |
Dad & Glo |
Napping in the tent ;) |
Our villa |
Me & Dad with Delaney |
Nana Glo & Delaney |
Saturday night we ate dinner at Sullivan's. It's a little more upscale seafood restaurant :)
Pop & Delaney |
Pop, Nana Glo & Delaney |
Pic before dinner |
Shane & sweet Grace :) |
Thomas & Leslie |
Shane & Anne |
Grace, Nick & Delaney |
The angle is bad so it's hard to see, but this is everybody!!! What a great family trip!! |
Delaney with Daddy :) |
We LOVE the beach ;) |
Delaney with Pop & Nana Glo |
Little bit in a sand bucket :) |
CHEESE!!!! |
Delaney is smiling and Grace loves the sand :) |
Grace wants to share the sand :) |
Sunday night we went to a really good hamburger place called Poe's :)
The whole group...Delaney is asleep in the car seat! |
Monday night we stayed home for dinner and had spaghetti! Yum!!!
Delaney was so excited to sit at the table with everyone!! |
Me & Nick |
We spent Tues morning at the beach, then hit the road around 1:30! We had such a wonderful time!! Wish we could have more vacations like it!!
On Wednesday, I got stuff done around the house and ran some errands. I tried to prepare myself for Thurs when I would leave Delaney all day with the sitter :( She is sleeping so well at night now! She goes down around 9 and wakes up about 6. Thurs morning we woke up bright and early and got ready. Here is my angel before we left...
I was so excited to see her at the end of the day!!! |
Day 2!! She had a great day again!! |
Saturday night we met the Blakney's for ice cream. Delaney and Stephen are big buddies!!! |

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