I am SO behind on my posts!! We went to the beach and then I started back to work, so needless to say, I've been a little busy :) We left the Friday before last to go to the beach with my family. They have a villa in Isle of Palms in Charleston that we go to every year. This was the first year that everyone (all siblings, spouses and kids) were able to come! I was so excited :) Delaney was great on the trip down. We even hit some traffic and she was still such a little trooper!!
On our way and so excited!! |
We got in around 7 and met the family at one of our favorite places, Gilligan's. They have great seafood!!
Uncle Nick & Delaney |
Saturday was a beautiful day to be down at the beach. This trip Delaney was not as happy about being in the ocean. I took her down to put her feet in the water and she started to cry :( Pretty amazing how much changes in just 2 short months!!
1st time @ the beach with Daddy :) |
Putting her feet in the sand |
Uncle Nick, Daddy & Delaney |
My sweet little family |
Auntie Lou & Delaney |
Dad & Glo |
Napping in the tent ;) |
Our villa |
Me & Dad with Delaney |
Nana Glo & Delaney |
Saturday afternoon my brother got there! We gave the girls a bath together before heading out to dinner! It was a quick one, but it was Delaney's first bath with somebody else :) So cute!!
Saturday night we ate dinner at Sullivan's. It's a little more upscale seafood restaurant :)
Pop & Delaney |
Pop, Nana Glo & Delaney |
Pic before dinner |
Shane & sweet Grace :) |
Grace sat next to Delaney during dinner and kept wanting to share her food :) Delaney ended up with a hush puppie, a piece of shrimp and a few other things in her car seat before dinner was over! Grace loves to share :) HA!! |
Thomas & Leslie |
Shane & Anne |
Grace, Nick & Delaney |
The angle is bad so it's hard to see, but this is everybody!!! What a great family trip!! |
Sunday was another beautiful day :) We spent most of the day down at the beach again.
Delaney with Daddy :) |
We LOVE the beach ;) |
Delaney with Pop & Nana Glo |
Gloria bought Delaney & Grace matching bathing suits so we tried to get some pictures of them together...you know how that goes :) Here are some of the ones that turned out...
Little bit in a sand bucket :) |
CHEESE!!!! |
Delaney is smiling and Grace loves the sand :) |
Grace wants to share the sand :) |
Grace loved the ocean :) |
Sunday night we went to a really good hamburger place called Poe's :)
The whole group...Delaney is asleep in the car seat! | | | | | |
On Monday it was a little cloudy in the morning but we went down to the beach to get a family picture.
Monday night we stayed home for dinner and had spaghetti! Yum!!!
Delaney was so excited to sit at the table with everyone!! |
Me & Nick |
We spent Tues morning at the beach, then hit the road around 1:30! We had such a wonderful time!! Wish we could have more vacations like it!!
On Wednesday, I got stuff done around the house and ran some errands. I tried to prepare myself for Thurs when I would leave Delaney all day with the sitter :( She is sleeping so well at night now! She goes down around 9 and wakes up about 6. Thurs morning we woke up bright and early and got ready. Here is my angel before we left...
I was so excited to see her at the end of the day!!! |
Cindy said she took two 1 1/2 naps and was so happy all day! I am so glad :) Delaney has really hit a growth spurt!! She has been sleeping and eating a ton!! And the other day I realized she can now fit into her 6 months clothes!! She is moving into 6-9 month sleepers and size 3 diapers!!! Where has my little girl gone??? We go next Monday for her 6 month checkup! I can't wait to see how much she weighs :)
Day 2!! She had a great day again!! |
Saturday night we met the Blakney's for ice cream. Delaney and Stephen are big buddies!!! |
I cannot believe Delaney will be 6 months old on Friday!!!
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