The last few days have been a whirlwind to say the least. Everyone has been so sweet and helpful to help get us ready for the possibility of a baby in our home very soon :) As of right now we have our crib, pack n play, stroller, and bedding already bought for us! All of it will arrive this week probably :) We made a few more purchases this weekend at Babies R Us. I can't wait to go shopping when we know it is somewhat official. It was still fun to imagine everything we may buy!! We picked up some burp cloths, blankets, and sleepers. Karen is making a nb gown with her initials on it. It will be monogrammed in purple and have ribbon underneath and bows on the bottom. She also is giving us a headband with a sweet bow. I can't wait to see it!!
Friday night we went to Abuelo's for Rachel's birthday. I finally had an excuse to wear my new dress!!
All the girls and our hubbies! |
After that we went to get some icecream and just talked and hung out! I seriously love these ladies. We always have such a blast together!! And it definitely helps that our husbands like each other ;)
The girls and Noah |
Saturday we got up and cleaned. I have been trying to organize things in the nursery. I cleaned out the nursery closet and moved things around in the guest bedroom. Around lunchtime we ventured out to Babies R Us to look at gliders. My mom wants to buy that for us. We still haven't found one we like yet. I'm being picky because I know it has to be comfy!! I may be sleeping in it some nights! HA!!
We also went to Noah's first hockey game yesterday afternoon. He is such a good little skater! He was very nervous and scored some goals in the wrong net (He is 5 ;) but overall he was great! They even announced his name over the loudspeaker! It was pretty cool. I'm not gonna lie....kind of made me want to let my kid play hockey ;)
The boys cheering Noah on! |
The girls supporting #9!! (Rachel was sick and unable to come :( |
#9 Noah |
Action shot! |
It was cold in there!! |
The Clawson's and Us. Don't we look cute in our black and red? HA! |
The Mallery's! Such proud parents. |
After the game we had a nice dinner at Fuddruckers! Noah spent most of his time playing games and buying dinky toys, but he did pause for a quick picture with Allen.
This morning after church I decided to organize some things in the nursery. I am preparing a diaper bag in case we get a phone call this week. I bought some Dreft yesterday and washed some of the blankets, birth cloths, and sleepers. I know it may sound silly, but I was so excited to finally get to buy that expensive baby detergent. Just another thing I have dreamed about in my journey to parenthood! Here are a few pics of what we already have done in the nursery.
View from inside the room. We are keeping that changing table until we can get the one that matches the crib. |
Packing the diaper bag |
Our car seat and the cute and warm blanket to put over her!! |
Allen is speaking with our attorney tomorrow to figure out what our next steps are. We are hoping to hear from her about the doctor's appointment. I've already spoken with my family and my mom will probably come down as soon as we know anything and stay around a week. I know my sister and sister in laws have both mentioned coming in as well. One thing for sure; if this little girl joins our family she will be loved!!! A LOT!!!
Please continue to pray for God's will to be done and that everything will go smoothly in the coming weeks. I have an unannounced observation at school this week...YIPEE! On a good note tho, I already have a sub lined up for my maternity leave. If everything works out, I will take off from the time she is born until right after Spring Break. I have already chosen a pediatrician,and I have to call tomorrow about my insurance and make sure everything is covered. There is a lot involved whether you have a baby or adopt one! I will miss my teaching girls, but am so excited at the possibility of staying home for a few weeks with a sweet baby girl!!
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