We've had a busy couple of weeks in the Goins' household! I've been swamped at school and we have been on the go outside of work too! It's nice that we have a relaxing weekend to just do nothing!
Last weekend my Mom came in and we did lots of shopping! She really wanted to buy me our car seat (even though it could be years before we need it :)!! So we did some research and finally picked one.... The Chicco Key Fit 30! I really had wanted a Graco Snugride because it was like the top rated one for safety. However when we looked at it at the store I was very disappointed. It seemed so cheap and I wasn't impressed. I have had a lot of friends use Chicco and Allen and I are both familiar with how to put the base in etc... cuz of all our friends! HA! I really liked an orange and gray one but it only was available in the up to 22 lbs seat. I was so afraid our baby would be 22 before they could turn around and I don't wanna have to buy ANOTHER infant seat :) So we went with this one since it goes up to 30 lbs......

I LOVE the colors and we ordered it online and it was here in like 3 days!! Good grief!! Also we missed out on an awesome deal. If we had ordered it the day before we could have gotten the carseat stroller combo for really cheap! Oh well, guess we'll have to buy that one later on. I'm very excited to have this though. I figure if an adoption happens fairly quick we will be ready. We have a car seat, a pack n play, and a few outfits. We'll just need to buy diapers and formula and be ready to go :) It's so exciting just to dream. I've waited for this for so many years and I'm praying our dreams come true real soon.
Last night we had a Halloween party with my girls from school. We planned this several months ago and were so excited about dressing up. Our husbands, on the other hand were not. More specifically, my husband :) I bought us Fred and Wilma Flintstone costumes to wear. Up until the day before Allen was adament that he hated dressing up and didn't want to wear it. Well, the morning of, I finally gave in and told him he didn't have to dress up! I just wanted him to come and to have a good time :) So last minute he decides he wants to go as Cru Jones from the 80's BMX movie RAD(which I might add, NOBODY has ever heard of HA!) So he cut a gray sweatshirt sleeves off, tied a red bandana around his leg, and wore some converse shoes. Needless to say he got asked all night who the heck he was??
What do you think? Does he sort of look like him? :)
Anyway, Amanda's husband, Matt was sick so he wasn't able to come. We ended up picking her up so she could ride with us!
Wilma & 20's Flapper |
Amanda's son, Noah wanted in the picture! BTW, coolest kid ever;) |
My first grade girls, Wilma, Alice, Mary Poppins & 20's Flapper |
Me and Allen |
Acting Silly |
Group Shot |
I definitely feel like I went back in time 10 years! They had the party at Emily's husbands work. He works in Market Square and they invited a ton of college and grad students! Allen and I were by far the oldest there! How weird is that?? I hate getting old :) Oh well, it was a fun night and I love dressing up! We are already planning our Ugly Sweater Christmas Party!! We may dress up as Christmas Vacation characters...watch out Cousin Eddie here we come!!!!