Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Profile Complete :)

For those of you wondering and waiting....We are FINALLY done with everything for our adoption!! (we have one more payment but as far as paperwork, we are done!! Can I get a Halleluiah??? I worked on our profile the last few weeks and sent a rough copy to our social worker the other day. Apparently it wasn't as "rough" as I thought it was because she said it looked great!! She loves my colors, pictures and texts...I have to be honest, I am NOT very creative/crafty so I was really worried she wouldn't like it :) But praise the Lord she did!! We had to make a few changes but very minor. This was all perfect timing because we used Shutterfly and they were running a special until Wed the 30th, buy one book get any after that 50 % off!! Talk about a steal...did I mention we had to buy 5?? Yep! So that helped us out! PLUS they had free shipping AND my friend gave us a 10 dollar off code!! So....we bought 5 books, 25 pages a piece for a grand total of 119.00 shipping, tax etc and ALL!! Can't beat that :) I am so glad we didn't go broke over the profile books because we still have to pay 500.00 for our profile fee. I am so relieved it is done, especially right before a very busy time. We have 3 choir performances this weekend, a Christmas parade, and a youth workers Christmas dinner!! Sheeesh... and that 's only the beginning of December! HA!! I seriously have something going on at least every other night from now until around Christmas :) Tis the season to be jolly, right? ;)

Another thing I thought I'd share is what a sweet friend at school bought us. She told me she was going to wait until we brought a baby home, but then decided to give it to us when we had all our adoption stuff finished.
 She knew since we were Phillies fans that our future baby would HAVE to own a Phillies bib :) HA!!
I also wanted to show you a pic of my sweet niece Grace. She is 6 months old and apparently into everything now!! I can't believe she is crawling and Hannah, my other niece is walking everywhere. It seems like they both should still be little babies.
I can't wait until these sweet little girls have a cousin to play with!!! We know it could still be years but we are praying for that sweet baby that will become a part of our family one day :)

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