Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, July 22, 2012

New babysitter, new babies & a trip to the fair!

Last Sunday my sweet friend Laura and her family stopped by on their way home to Kentucky! I was so glad to see them!! Her little boys Abe & Ty are so funny!! They loved on Delaney and played with Hank :)

Laura, Delaney & her sweet boys Abe & Ty!!

Loves Auntie Laura!!

Laura, Tony, Abe, Ty & Delaney!!What a sweet pic!!!!

On Tuesday I met with my first grade team to plan for the school year. I took Delaney to Cindy's for the day. It was the longest I had left her. I can't say I enjoyed it...it was a hard day!! I knew it was good for both of us to do this, but I really don't know that I am ready for this :( Of course, she was just fine, but being away from her for that long was hard!! Miss Cindy is so sweet and she loves Delaney & Delaney loves her!!

I cannot figure out how to flip this pic!!! 

I was so happy to see her when I went to pick her up!! Here is a collage of a few pics from the last few days ...

Delaney on our walk, Hank licking Delaney & my happy girl in a cute bee outfit!!!

On Wednesday I found this adorable red hat at Hobby Lobby! I think we are going to a Braves/Phillies game in Sept. so Delaney can wear it then!!!

On Thursday, Rachel and I took the kiddos to visit a friend in our SS class that just had a baby!!

Rachel, Delaney & Stephen!

Karianna and her sweet baby girls, Kamryn and Kendyll.

Sooo sweet!!

Rachel holding baby Kendyll...

Delaney and Stephen having tummy time,,,

Tiny baby Kendyll!!

Delaney tried to nap!!

Friday night we decided to go to the Anderson County Fair with the Mallery's! We had a blast!! Delaney sat in her stroller and people watched the whole time ...she was sooo good!!!

So excited to go to the fair for the very first time!!

Noah on the slide, Noah & Amanda, and Noah giving us the "what's up" look on the roller coaster!!

Noah & Delaney and Amanda & me on some rides! We had such a great time :)

Delaney loved people watching!! She's just like her daddy!! Our 2 sweet families at the fair! Love them!!!
Last night we went on a date to Cheddar's! You know us, we took our sweet little girl too! I know it's good for us to go out alone, but we sure love having her with us. We waited for so many years to have a sweet baby with us out to dinner so now that we have it, we don't wanna miss those opportunities!!!

I love my sweet little family!!
I cannot believe my time off is coming to an end :( I have this week, then we leave Saturday for the beach. We come back Tues night and I start back to work Thursday!! How is that even possible?? I feel like it was just yesterday when I walked out of my classroom on Feb. 10th, not knowing if we would have a sweet baby girl or not...Now it's almost August and my 6 months off is almost over. I pray that God will give me the strength to get through the first couple of hard days when I have to leave her. I am excited to meet my new class and get back into the school mode.

Sorry it's been so long but I hope this gets everybody caught up!!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Teething & A Visit with Nana Glo, Pop & Uncle Nick

On Wednesday, Delaney went to her new babysitter for a few hours. She is a wonderful lady who lives about 10 minutes from the school. She has watched a few other teachers kids and comes highly recommended! I am so glad we found someone we can trust. She will be watching Delaney every day and a 2 1/2 year old boy twice a week, so Delaney will get lots of attention!! Here is my sweet little one Wed. morning...very excited to go stay with Ms. Cindy!!

While she was there, I went to get my nails done and grabbed lunch with a friend. I only left her for about 3 hours, but it was so hard :( Going an 8 hour day will be horrible!!! When I picked her up, she was so happy, and not just to see me :) I could tell she really liked Cindy!! I was so glad :)

On Thursday we went to lunch with Rachel & Stephen! I am TRYING to get in the school mode, so we also went to Target where I racked up on some school supplies. I got a planner and colorful pens ( an idea I stole from my buddy Amanda on how to stay organized), and LOTS of stuff from the dollar section. I mean, seriously..what did we do before the "dollar" section of the store?? Paid a whole lot more for stuff that is literally only worth a dollar??:) I know it is a teachers dream come true all year long! Lots of school type things that are so much cheaper to get than at a school supply store, plus LOTS of good treasure box items!! They had lots of Dr. Seuss stuff and since we study that in March, I went ahead and stocked up. Who knows if it will be there in March?

I love this outfit and the super cute hair bow my best buddy Laura made ;)
(I am doing collages because for some reason every time I add pics they end up sideways, even though they are turned correctly when I edit..so when I do a collage they appear straight on here. Oh well, maybe I'll figure it out!!)

On Friday we met Rachel & Emily at Chick-Fila for lunch! We didn't know it was "Dress like a Cow" day and you get free chicken. So, we didn't dress up, but we did get our picture made with a cow!! There were tons of people there, most dressed up as cows! It was insane. I wish I had taken some pics of people's creative idea for cow costumes :) HA!! After that we ran up to school to work in our rooms for a bit.

Delaney & Noah chilled on my cool beanbags :)

I noticed Friday morning that Delaney wasn't acting herself. When she woke up she sort of threw up/spit up on me. Then when I was feeding her cereal she did it again. She also didn't take much of her bottle. I took her temp and she wasn't running a fever. I noticed she was moving her tongue across her bottom gum and I realized this was probably all related to teething. She also had diarrhea and refused to nap..very weird!! When we came home from school she fell asleep on me and would not let me put her down. She was just pitiful :( Finally around 6 she took an entire bottle and ate her avocado. She seemed to be feeling a little better. Later on though I really felt like she had a fever so we took her temp again and it was a low-grade fever. I was really worried she wouldn't sleep, but surprisingly she slept from 9-6:15 without stirring. I was so glad!! I was really concerned about my little doll baby :)

I can't get this to turn so I'm just posting it sideways :) We took a walk last night and I put Delaney in the front part of the stroller for the first time. I think she really liked being able to see out the front!! She seems so big, yet looks so tiny!!!

This morning we met my Dad, Gloria & Nick at Cracker Barrel in Morristown. Last week my dad found out he has prostate cancer and they are going to have to do surgery to remove it. There are several concerns that have to do with the surgery, but we are praying for complete healing. He is so strong and I know God is using them for something big. It is still very scary and not what any of us wanted to hear!! :( Please pray for my daddy, especially on July 23 when they go to Vanderbuilt for a consultation. We are supposed to go to the beach the following week and it would be great if he was feeling better by then. I am so glad we only live a few hours away so we can try to visit at least once a month. They love to get their Delaney fix :)

Love this pic :)

Me & my sweet family (Allen is taking the pic :)

Me & my daddy!!

Nana Glo getting sugars :)

You can tell Delaney still is a little off today. She's not her usual smiley self!!

Hanging out in the rockers ...

Great visit!!

We came back from lunch and just hung out the rest of the day. Delaney & I took a nice nap!! While visiting with my parents today, Gloria showed me where Delaney's tooth is coming in!! It's so crazy..you can see the white. She thinks it will be really soon..I cannot believe my baby girl is big enough to get teeth. It feels like just yesterday I was holding her in my arms for the first time...Boy how time flies!!

Delaney Jane at 1 day old and 5 months old...such a sweet little miracle!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

5 months!!

Delaney Jane you are 5 months old today!!

You weigh a little over 12 lbs and are 24 inches long. You are wearing a size 2 diaper and 3 month and 3-6 months clothing. You had a few important milestones this month!! At 18 weeks you rolled from your back to your stomach!! I could hardly believe it. Since then you enjoy rolling quite a bit. You have even started rolling to your stomach at night to sleep on your stomach.

 You also tried avocado for the first time and you absolutely love it. You say "mmm.." the whole time you are eating. It is so precious :)

You also are sleeping in your crib in your room now. We moved you in there last week and have been sleep training for a week now. Last night you finally made it through the night without me coming in. You sleep from about 9-6!! Last night you only woke up once but were able to put yourself back to sleep. I was so excited!!!

You are so loving and so chatty! You have recently started babbling all the time and blowing raspberries. It's adorable. You know who your mommy & daddy are and you smile at everyone you meet!!
 The first time you met your baby sitter you gave her a big grin! I think that made her feel very special. Everywhere we go people comment on how social and cute you are . I've had several people tell me I need to get you into modeling because you are so photogenic! HA!! You do smile a lot for a baby!!! I guess you are a happy girl!!

As far as eating goes, you still take a 5 oz bottle about every 3 hours during the day. You eat cereal in the morning and in your last bottle at night. You eat avocado around 3 pm daily. You sleep from 9-6 so you go through the night without eating now which is huge!! I didn't know if this day would ever come!!

You are not the best napper :( But we are getting better!! You usually take a 45 min nap in the morning and 2 longer naps in the afternoon. Sometimes you take a little cat nap in the evening too. You aren't as fussy in the car anymore so that's been extremely nice. You are definitely an easy going baby, but I can see a stubborn side to you. That's ok :) I'm glad you are determined to do things.

I cannot believe I start back to work in just a few weeks :( These last few months have flown by!! I thank God every day for the chance He's given me to be your mother. You are one very special girl!!

Delaney at 1, 3, & 5 months!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fun weekend

We had a nice relaxing weekend with Allen's family. Friday night we went over to his parents for dinner. Allen's Mom bought our niece Hannah her first pair of panties and she was an absolute hoot wearing them! She came out and ran around the room and was screaming, rolling on the floor and laughing :) I think she liked them!! HA! Delaney didn't know what to think...she just watched Hannah very closely!!

Hannah's reaction to her new undies!! Soooo cute :)
Delaney watching silly Hannah!!
The girls checking each other out ;)
Naked girls :)
 Friday night Delaney made it till 6 a.m before I fed her!! I still had to go in a few times and roll her over but she didn't eat!! With the method I'm using you go in at 2,5, 10, 15 min and so on until they go to sleep. She usually doesn't make it past 15 before she is asleep. We still have a ways to go because I need her to sleep without needing my help, but at least she is in her crib and has cut out the night feeding!! Here she is when I went in to get her Saturday morning.. I was so proud of her!!

On Saturday Allen worked a bit and I did a little cleaning. Delaney refused to nap in her crib...this is another battle!! So she was exhausted!! But we went back over to Allen's parents to grill out burgers.
Auntie & Hannah Kate :)
Delaney & her Great Aunt Ada
Vanessa, Delaney & Hannah

Our sweet girls
My little cutie...
Saturday night was about the same. She woke up a few times and I went in at the certain time increments. The problem was she inched her way up to the front of her crib and was stuck..then she would get so mad I felt I had to go in there and turn her over and then she would finally fall back asleep.This is seriously more exhausting than having a newborn!! But I hope it will be over soon and she will sleep all the way and not wake up at all!!

Sunday morning we got up and went to church. She wore this adorable outfit my mom bought her a while back from Marshalls. She loves to smile for the camera..such a photogenic little baby!!

After church we headed back to Allen's parents one more time for lunch. We took a few more pics of our sweet families.

Allen, Vanessa & their baby girls!!

Me & Vanessa
My little family!!!
We took a nice nap and then went to get some ice cream with our friends, the Blakneys! Delaney & Stephen both had on Auntie onesies so we had to get a picture. They also were so cute talking to each other so we captured it on video. One day I am sure they will hate us for this!!

Delaney giving Hank a good ear scratch!!

Best friends!! Delaney had to touch him!! HA :) Usually Stephen is poking her in the eyes :)
Tomorrow Delaney will be 5 months old!! Can't wait to take her pics and post them :)