Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Meet Delaney Jane!

We were so excited this weekend for some of our close friends and family to get to meet our sweet baby girl! Friday afternoon Allen's sister, and brother in law came to the hospital. We can only have 2 people back at a time, so Allen and Vanessa came back first. Vanessa was just amazed at how beautiful and sweet she is and said the pictures don't do her justice!! We agree :)
Adam came in next and got to hold her. We are so glad Delaney got to meet one of her Auntie and Uncles!! Friday was a good day. She responded well to the medicine and they told us they would start to wean her off of it the following day. Her scores were so much better and we were so glad! Friday evening Allen's mom cooked fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and brownies!! YUMMMMY!! First home cooked meal in a while :) I can't wait till we are home so I can start cooking and not eating out so much. It's already getting old. Lunch in the cafeteria every day hasn't been the greatest either ;) I feel like I'm back in high school or college, walking around with a tray, trying to find somewhere to sit!! We came back Friday night and helped bathe her and hung out until around 11.

Saturday morning we got up and cleaned the house a little bit. I know it really doesn't matter, but I just can't stand for things to be everywhere.I haven't had a chance to organize her nursery either and I am dying to do it! She has stuff everywhere!!! When we got here yesterday they said they would be taking her off one medication, and watch her for 24 hours. If she did well, then we were looking at possibly leaving Monday! I am not getting my hopes up too much, but it definitely seems hopeful. We will still have to give her the Pheno. medication at home, but will slowly take her off of that over the next few weeks.

Yesterday afternoon Allen's family came back over to visit :) They just can't get enough of this sweet little girl!

Our beautiful daughter

Allen, Delaney and Nana :)
Delaney got to meet some dear people to us last night, Joel and Kendra, our youth pastor and his wife, or as Delaney will know them; Papaw and Meemaw!! When our friends Tina and Shane had their sweet little girl, Isabella, they started calling Joel, Papaw to her, so the name has stuck. Joel will be Papaw to Delaney and Kendra will be her Meemaw. She definitely has a lot of people who love her already!!! They were so excited to visit, and brought us some cute clothes, a collection of Max Lucado stories, and a Baby's first year calendar that I can use to document things. They are so sweet and we were so glad they were able to come visit!

Papaw Joel loves her already!

We just got word from the nurse practitioner that she should go home tomorrow! We will have to continue the Pheno. med but other than that she should be good! I won't know what it's like to be at home instead of this hospital room. I can honestly say though that this has been the best home away from home...In a way I will miss these sweet nurses and this room. This was sweet Delaney Jane's home for the first week of her life and I want to always remember everyone who helped in her recovery process. The nurse practitioner said that the best thing for babies like her is to be held and loved, and we have been here every second we could doing just that. We have faith that our sweet precious miracle will be just fine! Stay tuned for pics of our departure!! She has an absolutely adorable going home outfit!!! Can't wait to see her in it!! And I am excited for her to meet Hank!!

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