So our exciting day didn't start out like we hoped. We were on our way to grab Chick-fila for breakfast before the doctors appt. when we got a phone call from the Birth Mother's mom saying she wasn't going to be at the appt. She said she was going to go over and check on her and then call us back. We were so upset, nervous, frustrated ...etc...Just too many emotions to explain. We prayed and had people praying for us ALL day long. We left Chick-fila and actually went up to the hospital to see if anyone could help us with a few questions about when the baby is born. The lady on the OB floor was very hateful and not helpful at all. The nice older lady downstairs at the information desk was EXTREMELY nice and very helpful! She called a patient advocate for us and they took down my info. Someone called me a few hours later and answered my questions. She told me that when she is born, if they have room, they will put us in a room with her, free of charge! If she is healthy and everything is fine then we should be able to stay there with her! That was so encouraging to hear! She also told me 2 people that I needed to get in touch with when we arrive. I was so glad we finally got some answers :) Allen went back to work, but I honestly didn't feel like going in, so my sub told me she could stay the full day. I ran to Hobby Lobby and got a few things. It seemed to help my anxiety to shop for her....I kept the receipt just in case.
I got this cute rug for in front of the crib! |
And these adorable frames were 50% off!! LOVE THEM!! |
After that I ran to McKay's and dropped off 3 bags of books that had been in my car for weeks :) I only got 23.00 in trade but that's better than nothing. I picked out a few baby books including Jamie Lee Curtis' book "Tell Me Again about the night I was born." It's a book about a little girl who was adopted. One of the pages talks about how "mommy couldn't grow you in her belly, so another mommy had you and then we became your parents." Talk about some tears!!! I am gonna just cry reading it to my sweet baby!!
I got some classics and didn't spend a dime!! They are all in perfect condition too!! |
I also went to Hallmark to try to find a baby book that is more geared towards adoption. I just don't want a book that has the pages about the pregnancy and finding out etc... I have found some online but I really would like to look at them first. I took Allen some lunch and then was heading to get my oil changed before relaxing at home. Well, that didn't happen like I'd planned either. I had just passed by the school when a car was driving beside me and motioned for me to roll down the window. It was a Government Official car so I was a little worried :) He said my tire was flat and looked like it was about to blow! So, I pulled over and they did too. I told them I would call my husband and thanked them for telling me. It definitely could have been a lot worse!! As I was waiting for Allen another car pulled up beside me. It was Brother Mike and Kerry, our Music Pastor! HA! I'm sure they were wondering why I was sitting on the side of the road, on a work day, with an empty car seat in the back seat!! I told them about my tire and that Allen was on his way. They began to get to work helping try to figure out how to change the tire. Between all 3 of them the tire was changed in no time. It's funny how the Lord works. Kerry said they usually eat in Clinton, but Bro. Mike suggested Chilli's on Clinton Highway today. If they hadn't gone there, they wouldn't have seen me. They did have to turn around in the Hitching Post parking lot(a local bar) HA!! They said they hoped nobody saw them pulling out of there!!! We ended up getting all 4 tires replaced (shew...thank goodness for a tax return :).
Well you might be wondering what happened with the Birth Mother. Allen finally called her mom this evening to check on her. We were thinking the worst!! She said that she just didn't get up for the appt. They re scheduled one for tomorrow morning at 8:45. She doesn't know if she will get up and go to that one either, but we can't control that. We told her to please let us know because if she goes we want to be there. I am really praying that they will just go ahead and induce her tomorrow so that all of this worrying can be over. I know we will have a whole new set of obstacles after the birth, but at least I will know our baby girl will be safe. Her mom feels like she wants to go through with the adoption but doesn't want to do all the work involved. We don't know what that means for us. We think we can still take her home, but the process could be a long one. We are not sure why God is testing us with all of this, but He must have some big plan in store! Please pray that she will get up in the morning and that this baby girl will arrive soon.
So sorry for your somewhat wretched day and prayers for the Birth Mother's motivation.