This weekend we traveled to Indiana to spend Mother's Day with my mom and to celebrate my niece's 1st bday & baby dedication. We were planning on dedicating Delaney this Mother's Day but none of my family would have been able to come and we wanted to support my niece by being at hers. So hopefully we will be dedicating Delaney sometime this fall. This was such a special weekend for me as it was my FIRST Mother's Day :) YAY!! I have waited many years for this day to be a celebration for me instead of a day I sometimes dreaded!!
My sweet sister in law, Anne with little Grace & Me and Delaney Jane |
Allen took off work Thursday so we were able to leave early. This was Delaney's first longer road trip and she did so well! We only stopped a few times to eat/change diaper and to let Hank use the bathroom :) She was such a dollbaby!! We got into Indy about 6:30 and had dinner. We just sort of hung out with my mom and turned in early since we had such a busy weekend.
Friday morning my mom had to work so we hung out with my stepdad, Dan. They live on the Monon Trail, a really nice walking trail, so we walked into town to eat lunch. It was such a beautiful day!!
Dan & I at lunch |
This little sweetie slept while we ate. |
Walking on the Monon Trail |
Friday evening we went over to my brother's house for dinner. We had yummy lasagna, salad, bread, and a homemade icecream dessert Anne made. It was sooo good!! I didn't take any pics but oh well!! We visited for a while then headed home.
Saturday was Grace's first birthday party. They had it at a nearby park/. It was a gorgeous day and she had lots of people there. It was so cute!!
I was so excited about the dress I found for Delaney to wear to the party. I never could find the exact color gray handband I wanted to go with it, but oh well! She sure looked cute :)
Welcome to your party Grace!! |
My Papa Dick & Elaine |
Hanging out at the party |
"Yay for my birthday!" |
Cake time! |
Mommy & Daddy helping Grace blow out the candle |
Digging in :) |
Us & Elaine |
Papa Dick admiring Delaney |
Me & Papa Dick with Delaney |
Shane, Anne & Grace |
Allen with our girl |
Our little family |
Me and my Momma with Delaney |
Opening presents!! |
Mine and my brother's family :) We are so blessed! |
Papa Dick & Elaine with Delaney and the quilt they made for her :) |
Papa Dick, Elaine, Gigi & GranDan with our families. |
Saturday night we grilled out and watched a movie. It was nice to visit with my Mom and Stepdad. Sunday morning we got up and went to my brother's church for Grace's dedication :) It was so sweet. Grace was babbling the whole time she was up on stage.
Happy Mother's Day :) She's an angel... |
My little girl!! |
GiGi & Delaney |
Our family on my first Mother's Day :) So blessed!! |
Baby Grace's dedication :) |
After church we all went to brunch at a really nice restaurant. It was very good and we had a nice time visiting with everyone. Afterwards we took some family pics outside.
Shane, Anne & Grace at brunch |
Almost walking :) |
Grace and her beautiful cousins, Della Kate & Whit |
Our family on Mother's Day (minus Thomas & Leslie!!) |
Us with Mom & Dan |
Before we headed out of town we stopped by Shane & Anne's to get some pics of Grace & Delaney in their matching outfits! As you probably can guess, trying to do a photo shoot with a 3 month and 12 month old is very difficult ;) Here is what we ended up with...
We started out with them on their backs...that didn't last long!! |
Grace wanted to know why Delaney was so close :) |
Delaney is in position and Grace is off!!! |
For a moment we had a good pose :) So sweet!! |
We propped Delaney up against Grace. As you can imagine, this lasted a few seconds before Grace moved again!! |
Last but not least we decided a great way to take a good picture would be to let 5 year old Whit hold Delaney :) Success!! Grace has a picture with all of her cousins too; Della Kate, Whit & Delaney!!
We had a wonderful weekend and I am so glad we were able to see my mom, go to Grace's birthday party and dedication. What better way to spend my very first Mother's Day :)
God has blessed me beyond my wildest dreams!!!
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