A while back I did a "Day in the Life" of Delaney Jane, documenting an entire day of what my little girl had gotten into :) I figured since she was a little older and we were out and about more, I'd do another one! For those of you (if any :) HA!!) who are interested in what we do every day, here ya go!!!
Delaney sleeps about 6 hours straight at night, so depending on when she goes to bed, we get up once in the middle of the night, usually between 3-4. She is taking 5 oz now. She goes back to sleep, then Allen feeds her around 6:30-7, if she acts hungry. Then she will sleep until 9!
Good morning Mommy!! I love waking up to this sweet face :) |
Getting so big!! |
Once we are up, we change her diaper and then it's time to eat! While we eat we like to watch a little TV :) After that she likes to play on her play mat.
She loves to listen to the music and watch the lights. She has recently started grabbing and pulling on the toys too. I use this time to also work on stretching her legs and arms. She has some tummy time too! Usually an hour and a half after she gets up, she is ready for her morning nap. I rock her a little and then I put her in her cradle or pack n play. She tends to sleep better in the cradle though :) She naps for around an hour. I use this time to get stuff done, shower etc..
Sometimes we take a morning walk and this makes her fall asleep too!!
She likes being in her carrier!! |
After her nap, she eats again. Then we usually have some errands to run or somewhere to go! So I get her all dolled up (hair bow included) and we hit the road :)
All ready to go :) |
I had to put a picture of Hank in here ;) He loves his nap time! |
Ready to go in my car seat. We don't go anywhere without our pacifier and paci clip, and our pink stuffed animal!!! |
Buckled in and ready! Checking out my Baby Einstein mirror. It sings, lights up, and says all the colors in 3 different languages! Yes, we are learning even in the car!!! |
Just recently Delaney has started screaming while riding in the car. This is one reason I bought the mirror. I thought it might entertain her. Usually she cries herself to sleep, other times she just eventually stops. I really hope it's a phase and it will go away :) Depending on where we are going and how long we are gone, sometimes I have to feed her while we are out. Other times I'm back in time for her next feeding!
Time to eat again!! She gets so excited when you put her bib on. She knows what's coming :) |
After eating again, we do a little playing.
Looking at her "Guess who loves Baby" book :) It has pictures of all of our family! |
She loves them all!! |
Playing with her stacking cups ;) |
My sweet babies!! |
I love this one! It looks like they are both concentrating so hard on what to do :) |
Trying to push the cups over :) (She succeeded 3 times!!) |
She will take another nap later in the afternoon before dinner usually. Most nights she plays while we make/eat dinner. Last night we went to dinner with our friend the Blakney's, so I am going to post those pictures!!
The Blakney's with their boys Stephen & Taven with Delaney :) We went and ate dinner at Chilis! |
After that we walked to Froyoz and got some ice cream :) It was such a pretty night, we sat on the patio.
Daddy & Delaney |
Me & Rachel |
Taven was VERY excited about his ice cream!! |
Being beautiful is so exhausting :) |
Me & Stephen! He is only 6 weeks older than Delaney but boy he is a solid fella!! I think he weighs almost 17 lbs!! |
All ready to go home :) What a fun night!! |
These two are best friends and sooooo cute :) |
Usually we take a nightly walk after dinner, whether we go out or eat at home. We always enjoy getting fresh air and exercise as well as visiting with our neighbors. Hank & Delaney both love walks!! I don't have any pics from our walk.
After our walk it is bath time :)
Daddy getting ready to put me in the tub :) |
She loves bath time!! |
I don't know why this is upside down!! All lathered up :) |
Such a sweet little face. |
Wrapped up in my frog towel!! |
Ready to get lotioned up and put my pajamas on for bed :) |
She has been going to bed between 9-10. She takes a bottle and I rock her to sleep. If we have time we will read. I try to read during the day because it seems like right now our nightly routine runs out of time for reading :( That will change though as she gets older!! Once she is down for the night we get stuff done for the night and then go to bed ourselves :)
Our days are full and fun, that's for sure! We are excited about summer break and spending time with all our friends. I see lots of pool days in our future :) We also have a beach trip planned for the end of summer. And just because she's so darn cute, here she is in her bathing suit :)
Hope you enjoyed a day in the life of little Delaney Jane :)
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